Marayke’s extraordinary achievements and life philosophies have led her to become a thought leader in peak performance mindset, helping audiences become motivated to change their lives for the better.

Kim Morrison OwnerTwenty 8 http://www.twenty8.com
Kim and Fleur- Owners Like Chocolate for Women
Jennifer Forster-Owner “What’s so right” www.whatssoright.com
Elizabeth: RSL Youth Development Program student participant.The program is run by RSL (Queensland Branch) in conjunction with Bond University, and brought together 200 students from across Queensland for a weekend of leadership and thought provoking speakers and activities. Marayke has been prod to speak at 3 of the 8 events, including the first and last one held by the programs. Students also received grants of up to $5,000 for projects in Sporting, Community and Academic fields.
Kim Willis Member Sunshine Coast Business Womens Network
Noelene and Shelley: Guests at a breakfast where Marayke shared her story and dared people to accept obstacles are part of everyones lives not something to be concerned about but rather to challenge us to use lateral thinking and become more creative.